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Summer is the time of year when the feet are most exposed to the sun and external factors, and that most directly come into contact with the ground surface, after staying during the coldest months protected by socks and footwear.
For this, and for the type of activities typical of the summer season, we compile a series of tips that will help us protect the skin of our feet, avoid contracting infections and the development of possible pathologies.
Injury prevention and hygiene
-RASHES. In summer it is common to suffer chafing when you stop wearing socks and increase the friction of the shoe material on the skin. In that case, it is recommended to heal the wounds generated and change footwear to avoid aggravating the wounds or developing blisters. In the event of generating blisters, the recommended treatment is to exploit them to evacuate the liquid, place povidone-iodine on the area, but do not remove the skin, since that skin is the best dressing to protect the area.
-FLIP FLOPS. Yes, the use of flip flops is recommended as a protection barrier in humid areas or in places where water pools frequently occur, such as locker rooms, common showers or access to swimming pools. To further eradicate the possibility of contagion, it is recommended not to share footwear or towels, or to walk barefoot on hotel carpets or the aforementioned public spaces.
-SOLAR PROTECTION. When sunbathing, it is recommended to apply sun cream to the entire body, including the feet in its entirety, also the back, since they can suffer burns. On walks on the beach, try to avoid the hottest hours due to the high temperature of the sand, and pay attention at each step to avoid stepping on targets that can damage our feet.
-DRYING AND HYDRATION. Another very important tip, which many people overlook, is to thoroughly dry your feet by insisting between your toes and nails to remove moisture. In addition, after spending the day in the pool, it is advisable to wash the flip flops and feet well at home as an extra measure of hygiene, and always finish with hydration by applying a specific foot cream. We recommend the habit of hydrating the feet with podiatry creams daily before going to bed, applying a small massage.
-VISIT TO THE chiropodist. Also remember the importance of performing chiropody sessions throughout the year in specialized clinics, where the podiatrist will make a first assessment of the condition of the foot and nails. They are treatments consisting of delamination of hardness, removal of calluses and helomas, milling of heels and cutting and filing of nails.
Appropriate footwear against the abuse of flip flops
It is recommended to wear open and breathable footwear, made of materials that are not aggressive to the skin. It is important to wear footwear that has a resistant sole and avoid too flat and thin soles, as this involves forcing the joint and increasing the tension generated in the plantar fascia, the Achilles tendon or the calves.
It is also important to wear footwear in which the foot sits comfortably and is well supported, both at the front and at the ankle. For this reason, it must be remembered that the use of flip flops is discouraged continuously and for long periods of time due to the instability caused by the foot being less supported.
In addition, the gait pattern can be modified, since it tends to take shorter steps and the functioning of the muscle group of the lower joint is altered. In case of using personalized insoles, it is recommended to choose summer models with removable insole so that we can insert ours and continue with the treatment.