Have you thought about pool weddings? Both formal and informal weddings can take advantage of this wedding style.
We give you several ideas to decide to immerse yourself in their waters and seize the day or just contemplate the beauty of this element within the decoration of your wedding.
Water is a generally very relaxing element, so including it in our celebration is usually an excellent choice that will make the place more elegant and more special the wedding itself.
There are several great ideas for pool weddings, there are no limits as to what you can do about it. Exploit your creativity!
Organize a classy poolside wedding reception by mixing equal parts of glamour and welcome. Fill the pool with floating candles, flowers or lanterns.
Throw your reception poolside for a nice portrait backdrop or create a relaxing, spa-like feel at your cocktail hour or reception. Plus, if you’re celebrating all weekend, your guests will be thrilled to jump into a pool before or after the big day.