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Choose what type of menu you’ll want at your wedding will take yousome time, in the same way that you took hours and hours thinking about the wedding invitations, or find the perfect ideas for weddings gifts.
If it is you just take turns to Bridal Shoes and little more, get to already think about the type of menu that you would like to serve at the banquet. If you’re vegetarian and your partner also, why not organized a vegetarian menu?
What kind of vegetarian are you? A vegetarian person does not eat meat, fish, seafood, game, or sausages, and follows a diet rich in grains, legumes, nuts, vegetables and fruits, accompanied (or not) of eggs and dairy products. However, not everyone is vegetarian at 100%. There are several types of vegetarianism: the lacto-ovo-vegetarian, which can eat dairy and eggs, the lacto, making milk, and, finally, vegan, that does not consume any food derived from animals.
Wich is the best option? Whatever your choice, today there are many options to offer a delicious banquet of wedding without meat, fish or any other animal product. But if you don’t know where to start, sure that in any of these ideas you’ll find the inspiration you need.
Three good allies. Don’t forget to have three great allies in putting together the menu and the appetizer of the wedding: Asian food (Japan, Chinese, and Thai), the Mexican and the buffet.
Asian food gives us many vegetarian recipes: onigiri (rice filling), Tempura… So, you can make a selection of dishes that you like most. They will have a point of exoticism which will pleasantly surprise the guests!
And Mexican dishes? Remember their rolls of vegetables, flower of izote, or the marvelous guacamoles. There are many combinations for that exotic touch to a banquet without eating animal products.
The buffet. Choose a buffet is another good choice, since it offers more advantages than a conventional menu. They can be very different dishes, so that guests eat only what you like and can be repeated as many times as they want.