- Weddings
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Now that you have decided to take the plunge, you have to give the good news to family and friends! If you prefer to do it in an original and different way, here are some ideas to leave everyone with their mouths open.
We know that the desire to proclaim the wedding to the nearest are uncontrollable, but it would not hurt to prepare a little surprise for the moment even more memorable.
Last News!
A personalized newspaper or magazine in which they report the next wedding, as if you were part of the red carpet, is a very fun way to inform your future wedding. You can distribute or make custom group for the nearest delivery.
A short, a monologue, a silent film … all are good ideas to project at a family gathering or a night at a dinner with friends.
Inflatable balloons
If there are children in your family an unexpectedly announced the marriage is give them balloons with inscriptions that look only when inflated. Children are naturally curious and when you read phrases like “She said yes, got married!” Or “Tell your parents to get married and everyone is invited” are the first messengers to announce the good news.
A Dinner
If during the holidays will prepare a dinner at home is the ideal moment to make the announcement. Prepare a menu with clear references to love, heart-shaped candy, a cake where you see the message clear, with a young couple of boyfriends, or a drawing of a ring or a photo printed on edible paper requested.
If you have pets, you will not find better bearer of good news. They may well put a handsome tuxedo or evening gown and a little sign that reads “Mom and Dad were married!” Or “We’re wedding!
Christmas cards”
Taking advantage of the holidays, you can also prepare a fake Christmas cards with an envelope that hides the real message: The Wedding!