- Weddings
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In Spain, and in spite of counting on precious beaches and coves of dream, are not allowed to marry in the beach, since, so and as it marks the Law of Coasts, the Spanish public beaches only grant licenses for the celebration of events of public interest, and non private, as it could be the ceremony of a wedding.
Even so, they advise to always consult with the Demarcation of Coasts and the City council of the corresponding locality, for assured of the norm.
What yes we can do, nevertheless is to on board celebrate the ceremony of a boat, extending our possibilities much more there of the border of the beach. This type of weddings not only is legal, but that, depending on the type of ship and the norm, also can be valid facing the Civil Registry: in Spain, the Civil Code establishes that the competitions to celebrate civil marriages fall to judges or municipal authorities (for example, the Mayor of our locality, or the designated councilman to replace to him).
On the high seas, this paper exerts captains and commanders. This includes the possibility of celebrating a wedding with legal validity celebrated by the captain of the ship, to the margin of the traditional ceremonies of symbolic character, that are the same ones that usually is celebrated in mainland when the fiancès choose not to pay the rate of displacement of the corresponding civil employee (and they sign directly in the Civil Registry).